Thursday, January 4, 2007

X'mas Celebration (Ideasmith)

X'mas celebration at Office....

This year MY X'mas Lucky Draw Presents is.... RM 75.00 Coffee Bean Voucher,
DrainTree Hand & Nail Cream + Leg &Foot Cream andz.... a rice cooker But i already
exchange wt my colleage FRANCO and get the Coffee Maker + RM 50 Metro Voucher haha so happy... can shopping lo.....

So..... THis year our company X'mas Dinner is JOGOYA Japanese Buffet Supper.
It so funnyz we all juz eat a little bit xiaobao n egg tat during dinner time juz want to keep the stomach empty then later can eat more at

The dinner start at 9.30pm n we finish it until they closed around 11 something...
So.... can't sleep till mid night 2 something coz so full.....

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